There’s so much adrenaline and excitement in the early phases of a product launch that it can be easy to think that things will always be that way throughout the process. A new idea or innovation can be such a thrilling thing, and the idea of taking that idea from the drawing board to the finish line is bound to be a shot of adrenaline for a creative team.
Unfortunately, that initial wave of ideas and excitement can, and sometimes does fade. Then you’re left with a creative team that’s suddenly stalled out and seems to have no new ideas about your product.
Given the amount of work, and probably sleepless nights, that have gone into the development of a new product, fatigue is bound to set in eventually. But the question is, how do you get your development team back up and running?
This is a situation where time is of the essence, so what’s probably best is a quick-fix. After all, the more time you lose getting your product to the marketplace, the easier it might be for the competition to get there first.
Here are a few possible ways to get your developers back on track to creating that product that they were all once so excited about.
Talk to your sales staff
What kind of reactions is your sales staff getting from consumers about your product? Their answers and opinions might be just the thing you need, and here’s why: If your development team is stuck on what direction to move in with your product, hearing what seems to be appealing to consumers, and what isn’t, might be a great way to kickstart their innovation again.
There are bound to be ideas about your product, or tweaks that can be made to it, that the consumers have thought of and the development team hasn’t. Why not take a look at them and see if there’s anything that can cause your team to get that spark back.
After all, these are the people you’re aiming your product towards. Taking your cues from them is probably the best idea anyway, and it may fuel a whole new wave of innovation from your team.
And don’t let that feedback be a one-time-only thing. Going back as your product is developed and getting an idea of what the consumers want from your product is a great idea whether your development team is struggling or not.
Talk about what’s going to be different about your product (and your company)
It goes without saying that this team of developers has been doing a lot of hard work, and without a lot of immediate results, maybe that’s causing some frustration among them. After all, product development doesn’t necessarily show a lot of action right away.
So it might be a good idea to remind them what’s great, and what’s exciting, about this product that they’re working on. How people’s lives are going to be better or easier once it comes out, or how it’s going to affect THEIR lives if the product is a success.
Let them know how their vision will affect the product (and your company)
It might seem for a developer sometimes that they are trapped in a theoretical bubble with little physical effect on your company. That’s the worst thing for them to think, because as you know, they’re one of the most vital parts of your business.
Talk to these developers about what your employees are doing with their suggestions, or depending on where they are related to your manufacturing center, why not take them and show them what their ideas have created? That’s bound to refresh their creative energies.
Remember, Pivot International can help you with your product development issues and a whole host of your other manufacturing needs, from engineering to regulation compliance and beyond. Click here to find out more information about what we can do for your business.